Activate Your Leadership Potential

Intensifying demands for high-performance leadership are pressing business leaders and organizations everywhere to adapt. Wharton Leadership and Management Programs, now available on campus and online, can give you and your organization the real-world insight you need to lead teams and manage volatility in an uncertain economy.

Professor Nancy Rothbard on how Wharton teaches leadership

Upcoming Leadership and Management Programs

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General Management Program

Flexible Learning Journey

Invigorate, strengthen, and refine your leadership skills while elevating your management skills. Gain operational insight as you advance your business acumen with a focused curriculum that covers finance, leadership, marketing, and strategy. Accelerate your career while building…

High-Potential Leaders: Accelerating Your Impact

Apr. 7 – 11, 2025
Philadelphia, PA

Develop the strategic perspective required of global leaders, learn to manage uncertainty and execute your vision, and establish a firm personal foundation that can withstand the pressures of leadership.


Health Care Leadership and Management: Leading Through Change

Apr. 28 – May 2, 2025
Philadelphia, PA

Successfully lead the ever-changing health care environment by understanding the shift in technologies, trends, economics, and dynamics within the ecosystem. Leverage the world-renowned Wharton MBA and Wharton's Health Care Management program faculty to provide unparalleled perspective…

Leading Digital Transformation

May 5 – 9, 2025
Philadelphia, PA

Shift your mindset from traditional thinking on product- or service-based value creation and competition to a platform and ecosystem perspective, and understand the new set of strategic choices and tradeoffs they represent.

Executive Negotiation Workshop: Negotiate with Confidence

May 5 – 9, 2025
Philadelphia, PA

Identify and understand your own negotiation style and that of others to negotiate more effectively. Learn transformative techniques and acquire practical tools and frameworks that will improve your ability to negotiate both inside and outside your organization.

Women on Boards: Building Exceptional Leaders

Jul. 15 – 18, 2025
Philadelphia, PA

Explore how to navigate the politics and culture of the boardroom and discover how to make your voice heard in this program that will give you a strong foundation for serving in your first director role.

Download our calendar of Programs for Individuals

Faculty Perspective

We are continuously evolving to meet new needs. The way people led in the last 10 years is not the same as it will be in the next 10. We teach the parts of the existing leadership canon that are still true while also helping leaders master what is new.”

Michael Useem, PhD William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management; Professor of Management; Director, Center for Leadership and Change Management; Editor, Wharton Leadership Digest, The Wharton School

There may be no more critical moment for professional development in our lifetimes. By choice or consequence, companies need their senior leaders to upskill now. They’re asking people to step up to new responsibilities in ways they haven’t had to before, and they can’t wait.”

Patti Williams, PhD Ira A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Your mindset has such an important impact on your outcomes — you don’t want to anticipate or settle for insufficient results. You have to do well with your internal negotiations before you can do well with the external.”

Cade Massey, PhD Practice Professor, Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton School

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Certificate of Professional Development

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Wharton offers motivated individuals the opportunity to earn a Certificate of Professional Development upon completion of four programs. Learn more »