> Michael Knoll, PhD Theodore K. Warner Professor of Law, University of Pennsylvania; Professor of Real Estate, Wharton; Co-Director, Center for Tax Law and Policy; Deputy Dean, Penn Law About Michael Michael Knoll is an insightful commentator on how income tax laws affect business and investment decisions and a creative proponent of how those laws could be redesigned. Much of his research involves the application of finance principles to questions of international tax policy, especially the connection between taxation and competitiveness. Professor Knoll’s recent research includes writings on sovereign wealth funds, private equity, international tax arbitrage, and the impact of the corporate income tax on the competitiveness of the U.S. auto industry. Executive Education Programs TaughtMergers and AcquisitionsOur interdisciplinary faculty and industry speakers help you select, assess, and evaluate potential opportunities. Examine acquisition strategy, valuation techniques, tax issues, due diligence, and post-acquisition integration.