Peter Fader

Peter Fader, PhD

Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Research Interests:Lifetime value of the customer, sales forecasting for new products, behavioral data

About Peter

Peter Fader is a professor of marketing at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania. His work focuses on the analysis of behavioral data to understand and forecast customer shopping/purchasing activities.

In addition to his dozens of academic papers, book chapters, and more, Professor Fader is the author of Customer Centricity: Focus on the Right Customers for Strategic Advantage (2020), co-author of The Customer Centricity Playbook with Sarah Toms (2018), and co-author of The Customer-Base Audit with Bruce Hardie and Michael Ross (2022).

Besides his various roles and responsibilities at Wharton, Professor Fader co-founded a predictive analytics firm (Zodiac) in 2015, which was sold to Nike in 2018. He then co-founded (and continues to run) Theta to commercialize his more recent work on “customer-based corporate valuation.”

Read full faculty bio on Wharton website

Executive Education Programs Taught

Analytics for Strategic Growth: AI, Smart Data, and Customer Insights

Harness the power of analytics to transform and strengthen your business strategies. Led by a powerhouse team of Wharton faculty, this multidisciplinary program guides you through the most current skills and best practices to help you overcome real-world challenges by understanding, cultivating, socializing, and employing data.

Business Analytics: From Data to Insights

This three-month online certificate program provides managers and leaders an understanding of how analytics can help improve their decision-making process. This program will help you look at data and identify insights, improve your ability to make predictions for the long term, and prescribe future actions that help make better business decisions.

Digital Marketing Certificate Program

Designed by world-renowned marketing professors at the Wharton School, home of one of the top marketing programs in the country, the online Digital Marketing Certificate program from Wharton helps you develop the digital marketing skills you need to take advantage of the explosive growth in the marketing industry.

Management Development Program: Develop Your Managerial Mindset

Reach your potential as a manager through this six-month program that blends hard and soft skills into one holistic learning experience, culminating with a live three-day on-campus experience.

The Customer Centricity Playbook

The Customer Centricity Playbook: Implement a Winning Strategy Driven by Customer Lifetime Value

In this book, Wharton School professor Peter Fader and Wharton Interactive’s executive director Sarah Toms help you see your customers as individuals rather than a monolith, so you can stop wasting resources by chasing down product sales to each and every consumer.