Sigal Barsade


Professor Sigal Barsade

August 28, 1965 – February 6, 2022

It is with deep sadness that we share the news that Sigal Barsade, beloved teacher and friend, died on February 6 after a long illness. She was 56 years old. Those of us who were fortunate enough to work with Professor Barsade and to be in her classroom learned, among many other lessons, that emotions have an important place in the office. She shared her ground-breaking research in the many Executive Education classes she directed and taught in, and her legacy will spread through the thousands of leaders who grew under her influence and share her wisdom with their teams and organizations.

Sigal’s Work

Over the past decade, a number of Nano Tools based on her work have given thousands of readers actionable advice for becoming better leaders, and better people. In tribute to Dr. Barsade, we share them again here.

The Benefits of Meditation: Better Choices, Better Outcomes

Sharpen your ability to make better decisions and lead more effectively by practicing mindfulness meditation.

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For Better Results, Emotional Contagion Matters

Create an environment that enhances employee engagement and performance by paying attention to the emotional contagion occurring in your team.

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Improve Productivity and Retention by Combatting Workplace Loneliness
Improve Productivity by Combating Workplace Loneliness

Loneliness makes people less effective at work by lowering their commitment and reducing their access to their peers. Six action steps can help reduce it.

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