Date, Location, & Fees

Oct. 14 – 18, 2024
Philadelphia, PA
Apr. 14 – 18, 2025
Philadelphia, PA


Develop investment portfolios that generate the highest return for your level of investment risk. This program provides a solid foundation for building optimal portfolios and effective tools for making better investments.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Improve your ability to measure investment performance
  • Learn new asset allocation tools
  • Recognize when to choose active managers versus passive investments
  • Understand the opportunities and risks of bonds, hedge funds, private equity, real estate, international markets, and derivatives


Investment professionals and service providers, including portfolio managers, analysts, and insurance and commercial bank executives

Academic Director

Jules van Binsbergen, PhDThe Nippon Life Professor in Finance; Professor of Finance, The Wharton School

Date, Location, & Fees

Aug. 19 – 22, 2024
Philadelphia, PA
Apr. 22 – 25, 2025
Philadelphia, PA


Learn how corporate boards and C-suite leadership prepare for activist campaigns directed at their company, and discover effective solutions for managing the process when it occurs. Develop the fundamentals for both value investing and value-based management.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Discover the frameworks and tactics used by shareholder activists to identify and move on target companies
  • Recognize where and why shareholder activism may create or destroy value
  • Become more knowledgeable about the roles of the various parties to shareholder activism beyond the activists, including proxy advisory firms, public relations firms lawyers, and investment bankers


  • Corporate board members and C-suite executives at publicly traded companies
  • Hedge-fund portfolio managers seeking to develop activism capabilities
  • Chief investment officers and investment analysts for family offices, pension funds, and large institutional investors who invest in or with shareholder activists
  • Attorneys who represent corporations or shareholder activists
  • Corporate public relations and investor relations professionals

Academic Director

Bilge Yilmaz, PhDWharton Private Equity Professor; Professor of Finance; Academic Director, Harris Family Alternative Investments Program, The Wharton School

Kevin Kaiser, PhDAdjunct Professor of Finance; Senior Director, Harris Family Alternative Investments Program, The Wharton School

Date, Location, & Fees

Feb. 10 – 14, 2025
Philadelphia, PA


Learn how to assess the long-term value of and investment opportunities in companies that are financially distressed. Become knowledgeable about the integral roles that business managers, professional investors, and banking advisors can play in restructuring corporate debt.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Understand how and why a company fails, and the turnaround process
  • Foresee signs of crisis in a firm’s financial statements
  • Identify the long-term value of and investment opportunities in distressed assets
  • Become knowledgeable about the roles of managers, investors, advisors, and consultants in restructuring debt
  • Hone negotiation skills to maximize returns of complex distressed situations


  • Senior-level executives at highly leveraged and private equity-owned companies
  • Portfolio managers and investment analysts for hedge funds, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, and large institutional investors
  • Corporate bankruptcy attorneys; second lien and workout lenders

Academic Director


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