> Z. John Zhang, PhD Tsai Wan-Tsai Professor; Professor of Marketing; Director, Penn Wharton China CenterResearch Interests:Channel and retail management, pricing strategies About Z. John A pricing and marketing management expert, John focuses his research primarily on competitive pricing strategies, the design of pricing structures, and channel management. He has taught at the Olin School of Business of Washington University in St. Louis and Columbia Business School. John is the coauthor of the book Smart Pricing: How Google, Priceline and Leading Business Use Pricing Innovation for Profitability. Read full faculty bio on Wharton websiteExecutive Education Programs TaughtCEO Academy®Developed through a partnership between Wharton Executive Education and the CEO Academy®, this program provides CEOs with an unparalleled opportunity to connect with peers in a dynamic setting and enhance their leadership and strategic decision-making skills. Pricing Strategies: Measuring, Capturing, and Retaining ValueAcademic DirectorLearn how to maximize profits by combining the latest strategic pricing tools and techniques with valuable insights into consumer psychology. Work alongside global peers to develop and defend actionable pricing for immediate use. Strategic Marketing for Competitive AdvantageLearn how leading marketers segment and target customers, analyze consumer decisions, develop unique brands, utilize distribution channels, and make effective marketing communication decisions.