Samir Nurmohamed

Samir Nurmohamed, PhD

Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School

Research Interests:Adversity, motivation, behavioral ethics, resilience, storytelling, punishment, whistleblowing, cover-ups, socialization, onboarding, injustice, stereotypes, stigma

About Samir

Professor Samir Nurmohamed is an award-winning tenured professor and researcher in the Management department at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. Professor Nurmohamed (or as he is known to his students, “Prof Nurmo”) teaches the MBA core course on the Foundations of Teamwork and Leadership, as well as courses on power and politics, emotional intelligence and resilience in our executive education, MBA, PhD and undergraduate programs, including prior programs with the OECD and World Economic Forum. At Wharton, he has received several teaching awards, including the Teaching Excellence Award, Excellence in Teaching for the Undergraduate Division Award, and MBA Teaching Commitment and Curricular Innovation Award.

Professor Nurmohamed’s research examines how people endure, respond, and persist when experiencing adversity at work across topics such as motivation, behavioral ethics, power and influence. He has conducted his research using multiple methods such as field experiments, surveys and archival data in contexts such as leaders and employees in Fortune 500 corporations, job seekers at reemployment centers, and entrepreneurs seeking to bring new culturally contentious initiatives to the marketplace. His work has been published in academic journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes and Research in Organizational Behavior, and featured in practitioner outlets such as the New York Times, Harvard Business Review, The Athletic, and NPR’s Hidden Brain.

He completed his PhD in Management and Organizations at the University of Michigan and earned his BA in Economics and Philosophy at the University of Western Ontario. For fun, he enjoys karaoke-ing to Drake and Kanye, cheering for Toronto and Michigan sports, traveling to new countries, and eating at both fancy and hole-in-the-wall restaurants in Philly with his wife, Salimah, and their toddler (who is becoming a little foodie…with strong opinions).

Read full faculty bio on Wharton website

Executive Education Programs Taught

Advanced Management Program

Wharton’s flagship leadership program is a transformational and immersive program for senior executives who are at the peak of their careers. This intellectually rigorous and highly experiential program will define you as a leader and strengthen your strategic prowess. Upon completion, you will be granted highly sought-after Wharton alumni status.

Executive Development Program

Ascend to greater levels of management by honing your business acumen in multiple core competencies and advance your strategic decision-making capabilities to think faster, smarter, and more creatively. Intensive executive coaching from Wharton’s world-renowned faculty prepares you to lead your organization through the massive disruption happening in industries everywhere.

Executive Influence: Increasing Your Impact with Persuasion and Power

Research shows that even the most brilliant executives must also possess the skills to influence people. The last mile in getting anything done is convincing others to go along. Executive Influence: Increasing Your Impact with Persuasion and Power will greatly expand your range of power and influence skills, helping you deploy them with confidence and integrity. Discover a broad toolbox of methods and techniques that will transform your skills for a lifetime.

Health Care Leadership and Management: Leading Through Change

Successfully lead the ever-changing health care environment, by understanding the shift in technologies, trends, economics, and dynamics within the ecosystem. Leverage the world-renowned Wharton MBA and Wharton's Health Care Management program faculty to provide unparalleled perspective on the health care industry while strengthening your key leadership skills and overall business acumen. Return to your organization ready to make an immediate impact across all areas with the enhanced decision-making abilities and in-depth skills you need to cultivate innovation and propel your organization forward.

Leading Today’s Talent: Management Strategies for an Evolving Workforce

For today’s leaders, navigating how to build and manage a team has proven more important and challenging than ever before, and attracting, motivating, and retaining talent is no longer a function reserved solely for HR. Staying ahead of the curve now requires both an evolved skillset and deep understanding of best practices, emerging trends, and technologies. This program equips participants with the proven skills required for successful people management — but through the much-needed lens of the ever-shifting future of work.

Women’s Executive Leadership: Business Strategies for Success

Gain invaluable insight into the sophisticated business and leadership concepts that will help you propel your career forward while actively maintaining a work-life balance. Advance and inspire with clarity, confidence, and conviction.