Date, Location, & FeesContact us to schedule a personalized consultation: +1.215.898.1776 execed@wharton.upenn.eduMay 4 – 9, 2025Philadelphia, PA$16,250 In Partnership With Drag for more Program ExperienceWho Should AttendFacultyTestimonials Program ExperienceHighlights and Key Outcomes In Private Wealth Management, you will: Increase your depth of knowledge in key areas of private wealth management Learn the latest thinking in modern portfolio theory, global markets, asset allocation, family governance, and manager selection Meet and collaborate with others who are also part of a wealthy family and have the need for family asset management Engage in a targeted learning experience—a program designed by family wealth holders specifically for family wealth holders Gain insights from world-renowned wealth management practitioners and family wealth leaders, including: Mike Kane (program co-director), founder and president, Kestrel Investments, single-family office for the Kane family Ashvin Chhabra, president and chief investment officer of Euclidean Capital, family office for James H. Simons and Marilyn H. Simons Jason Ingle, founder and managing partner, Third Nature Investments, fifth-generation member of the Ford family Merial Currier, president, Gates Capital Management, a single-family office for a Colorado fifth-generation family Wharton Professor Richard Marston, who co-developed Private Wealth Management with IPI founder Charlotte Beyer, has emphasized that “wealthy families need to guide their own destinies when making investment decisions. Charlotte and I designed this program to help family members make their own decisions.” Professor Marston has passed the torch to new faculty leads, Mike Kane and Nikolai Roussanov, who are committed to this mission and to maximizing impact and relevance for family wealth holders. Dr. Mike Kane talks about what participants can expect in the Private Wealth Management Program. Experience and Impact Private Wealth Management offers an immersive, six-day learning experience that will increase your knowledge and ability to make confident, informed wealth-management decisions. Throughout the learning journey, you will heighten your understanding of financial asset classes and wealth allocation strategies, how to strengthen the family office, and how to effectively manage key stakeholders in your family wealth network. This content, which will be delivered through multiple learning modalities, targets the specific needs and requirements of family wealth holders (rather than advisors or family office executives). The program also taps into the wisdom of program participants, each of whom brings unique perspectives and expertise. Through careful selection of participants, combined with an orchestrated engagement experience, Private Wealth Management ignites peer-to-peer learning in an exclusive, confidential setting that fosters long-lasting relationships with other family wealth holders. Uniquely, the program engages participants in a proprietary simulation case — the Currency Family, featuring a fictitious family with complex investment, philanthropic, and governance challenges. In a collaborative setting, participants will make decisions that will affect the Currency Family’s wealth and family members for generations. This immediate application of classroom learning provides a memorable experience and reinforces the practical knowledge upon which participants will draw for years to come. Wharton faculty — led by Nikolai Roussanov, a leading expert in capital markets and behavioral finance, and Mike Kane, a recognized leader in the family office space who is the founder and principal of a single-family office — will apply both field-based research and first-hand experiences to broaden your perspectives. Session topics include: Performance Measurement and Manager Evaluation Historical Returns in Markets Behavioral Finance and Investor Psychology Modern Portfolio Theory Family Governance and Wealth Transfer Asset Allocation on a Global Basis Benchmarks Alternative Investments: Hedge Funds, Private Equity, and Real Estate Direct Investments Best Practices in the Family Office Wealth Management Unwrapped Learn More from Faculty Learn more from Nick Roussanov and Mike Kane on how the Private Wealth Management program has helped families become chief executives of their wealth. Convince Your Supervisor Here’s a justification letter you can edit and send to your supervisor to help you make the case for attending this Wharton program. Due to our application review period, applications submitted after 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday for programs beginning the following Monday may not be processed in time to grant admission. Applicants will be contacted by a member of our Client Relations Team to discuss options for future programs and dates. Who Should AttendPrivate Wealth Management is designed for ultra-high-net-worth family members whose family is in transition from illiquid to liquid assets or whose leadership is shifting from one generation to the next. The program also attracts financially sophisticated individuals who seek a more disciplined strategy for today’s financial markets and individuals looking for a current and rigorous curriculum on wealth management. Participants in this program are a diverse group of global investors from multiple geographies, carefully selected to ensure an exclusive experience and to promote effective peer-to-peer learning and relationship building. Faculty tailor the program content to reflect the needs of the participants, ensuring application richness and relevance. They enjoy an executive education experience that truly resonates with them and meets their learning needs. Plan Your StayThis program is held at the Steinberg Conference Center located on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia. Meals and accommodations are included in the program fees. Learn more about planning your stay at Wharton’s Philadelphia campus. FacultyNikolai Roussanov, PhDSee Faculty BioAcademic DirectorMoise Y. Safra Professor of Finance, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Interaction between asset pricing and macroeconomicsMike Kane, PhDSee Faculty BioFounder and President, Kestrel Investments (SFO)Research Interests: Family office principal, founder and CIO of a single family office, extensive experience in family operating business, direct investing, and governanceAmy Hart ClyneSee Faculty BioChief Knowledge & Learning Officer, PitcairnChristopher Geczy, PhDSee Faculty BioAdjunct Professor of Finance; Academic Director, Wharton Wealth Management Initiative; Academic Director, Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research, The Wharton SchoolJoseph Gyourko, PhDSee Faculty BioMartin Bucksbaum Professor; Professor of Real Estate; Professor of Finance; Professor of Business Economics & Public Policy; Nancy A. Nasher and David Haemisegger Director of the Zell/Lurie Real Estate Center, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Housing markets, real estate finance, and real estate economicsJason IngleSee Faculty BioFounder & Managing Partner, Third Nature InvestmentsA. Craig MacKinlay, PhDSee Faculty BioJoseph P. Wargrove Professor of Finance, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Asset pricing models, behavior of futures prices, econometric modeling, stock market behaviorBilge Yilmaz, PhDSee Faculty BioWharton Private Equity Professor; Professor of Finance; Academic Director, Harris Family Alternative Investments Program, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Corporate finance, alternative investments, game theory, political economyTestimonialsI came to Wharton at a time when I was very involved in restructuring my family office and dealing with beneficiaries who range from sophisticated investors to people who don’t know what a private placement is. I wanted to see if the Private Wealth Management program (PWM) was appropriate to start sending our younger beneficiaries to in order to give them a background education on investing and wealth management. People often feel out of their depth when dealing with wealth, and I think that the PWM course brings a tremendous amount of comfort in understanding that it’s not all just financial speak. The course builds a fantastic baseline for understanding financial terms and appraisal metrics. It will allow family members to think in a financial way when they never had the predilection to before and will help them become more involved and more engaged in our family’s investment strategy long term. I intend on advising several next-gen beneficiaries on attending the PWM course. Wharton also helped me simplify how I present financial concepts to beneficiaries. Having a more simplified evaluation of terms will allow me to communicate in a much clearer way when I talk about risk, market dependency, and other concepts. I am looking forward to taking additional Wharton programs to help me put into practice new funding models, including our direct investment approach at Saviva Capital.” Show More Less Matthew S. Bradfield Director and CTO, Fairford MedicalI have two investment advisors who manage my assets, and I wanted to have a better understanding of how the investment management process works. This program opened my eyes on how to be consistent in my approach using portfolio diversification, asset allocation, and other tools. Diversification is key [as is] the importance of tax impact, fees, manager selection, and performance. Those issues were on my radar before I came to the program, but Wharton did a fantastic job of going deeper and explaining how to measure the impact of these various components on the assets. Since taking this program, I was able to work with my advisors to reallocate the portfolio toward tax-efficient investing and select the right set of managers. It also gave me enough confidence to start investing on my own. I have carved off some portions of my portfolio, and I'm actually managing it myself. This is an ideal program for people new to investing and also those second- and third-generation families that have in-house expertise. The class covered advanced topics but went at a pace where people with some investment knowledge could also benefit.” Show More Less Ravi Chandran Private investor, Illinois Date, Location, & FeesContact us to schedule a personalized consultation: +1.215.898.1776 execed@wharton.upenn.eduMay 4 – 9, 2025Philadelphia, PA$16,250 Download the program schedule, including session details and format. Download ScheduleApply Now Hotel InformationFees for Philadelphia programs include lodging and meals. Prices are subject to change. International Travel Information »Plan Your Stay » In Partnership With Related ProgramsAssessing Commercial Real Estate Investments and MarketsPrivate Equity: Investing and Creating ValueCompare Programs Contact UsUpon submission of your application, you will be contacted by the Institute for Private Investors. For more information, contact the Institute for Private Investors by phone. +1.212.693.1300 The Route to Better Wealth Management Download PDF from The Financial Times