Date, Location, & Fees
Learn how your financial institution or firm can effectively manage risk in today’s uncertain economy. Discover whether it is more efficient to take on debt, offer equity, or do a combination of both when making capital structure decisions.
Highlights & Benefits
Senior-level executives in banking as well as executives in other industries who have finance responsibilities
Academic Director
Itay Goldstein, PhDJoel S. Ehrenkranz Family Professor, Professor of Finance, Professor of Economics; Chairperson, Finance Department, The Wharton School
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Accelerate your career by mastering multiple in-demand disciplines within the finance industry. This comprehensive, tailored learning journey takes you through six open-enrollment programs — each led by Wharton’s renowned Finance faculty. Upon completion, you will be granted highly sought-after Wharton alumni status.
Senior-level executives and high-potential professionals who wish to accelerate their career development in the area of modern finance; 10+ years of professional experience
Learn how to use financial data to make more-informed business decisions and to evaluate your firm’s performance. Examine core concepts of finance and accounting in a straightforward, easy-to-grasp manner.
Executives who wish to update their knowledge of basic finance and accounting functions
Richard Lambert, PhDMiller-Sherrerd Professor; Professor of Accounting, The Wharton School
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