Date, Location, & Fees
Based on the book Boards That Lead, this executive education program provides the latest thinking from some of the world’s most knowledgeable and dynamic boardroom leaders on how directors can make a leadership difference.
Highlights & Benefits
Current and prospective directors of publicly traded companies, institutional investors or executives who work for hedge funds and private-equity funds, and securities regulators and equity analysts
Academic Director
Michael Useem, PhDWilliam and Jacalyn Egan Professor Emeritus of Management; Faculty Director, Center for Leadership and McNulty Leadership Program, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
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Wharton’s flagship leadership program is a transformational and immersive program for senior executives who are at the peak of their careers. This intellectually rigorous and highly experiential program will define you as a leader and strengthen your strategic prowess. Upon completion, you will be granted highly sought-after Wharton alumni status.
Senior executives within two reporting relationships of the CEO; 20+ years of management experience
Acquire critical management tools and gain new insight into the duties and nuances of board service. Learn how to forge partnerships with company officers to strengthen financial return, conduct better enterprise risk management, and achieve governance diversity during these complex times.
Senior-level executives aspiring to board service; those who have recently joined a board, veteran directors, or legal, HR or financial professionals who advise boards
Mary-Hunter McDonnell, JD, PhDBantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton School
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