Leadership & Management Certificate Program
“The latest evidence on what it takes to become a better leader might surprise you.”
– Adam Grant, PhD, The Paul P. Steinberg Professor of Management, Professor of Management, The Wharton School; Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania, The Wharton School.
The Leadership and Management Certificate online program offers leadership courses designed to help executives across the organization reach new levels of success. Learn cutting-edge management concepts from world-class Wharton faculty. For companies looking to achieve and increase competitive advantage through online leadership training, this flexibly-
paced online executive leadership certificate program is an effective way to scale learning for maximum impact across the organization. The online Leadership and Management Certificate program is for high-potential mid to senior-level managers working in any function or industry (with a minimum five to seven years’ experience) who want to gain exclusive insights and learn cutting-edge concepts to advance in their careers.
Benefits for Executives
- Enhance and strengthen your skills as a manager and decision-maker within your organization.
- Learn at your own pace with the convenience of leadership courses online and flexible start dates.
- Interact with world-class faculty and fellow high-potential learners from around the world.
Benefits for Organizations
- Efficiently scale leadership development across teams
- Leverage the flexibility for managers to adapt learnings to corporate challenges.
- Ensure better communication through a common leadership vocabulary.
Program Details
Start Dates:
Enroll Immediately
4-6 weeks per course
2-4 hours per week
Program Format:
100% Online
Program Tuition:
$995 (per individual course)
“Doing the online course was an amazing experience.…Having a certificate from Wharton, which is one of the best business schools in the world, is a big plus and a memorable accomplishment for me.”
Layi Babalola, Finance Manager, Publicis Groupe, New York City
“For anybody with responsibilities of almost any kind — whether it’s managing two people in a small office, or 20,000 people in a larger company or organization — this program has the content you need to get your job done.”
Michael Useem, William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management, Professor of Management, Director of the Center for Leadership and Change Management, Editor of the Wharton Leadership Digest
“Like most busy professionals, I often find myself bogged down in day-to-day tasks. The Leadership and Management Certificate program helped me make time to learn new business strategies and invest in myself.”
Leadership and Management Certificate Program Courses
Individual Course Descriptions
Course Description
Duration: 4-6 weeks
The attitudes, assumptions, and dynamics of employees in today’s workplace are more varied than perhaps ever before. Today’s successful leaders are those who create positive, productive, and responsive organizational cultures for their people. But with such varied perspectives, what cultural considerations make the most sense for an organization?
Leadership in the 21st Century will teach you how to create an environment where your employees can thrive and step up to meet stretch goals for the organization. Led by some of the world’s most acclaimed professors, including Adam Grant, Sigal Barsade, Katherine Klein, and Nancy Rothbard, the program exposes executives to cutting-edge research on the qualities and behaviors of both successful and unsuccessful work environments and how this research can be applied to practical, real-life workplace situations.
This inspirational program culminates in an understanding of making change for the better and how such change can propel your organization into the future.
Course Modules
- Engaging Hearts and Minds
- Understanding Work Styles and Cultivating Originality
- Purpose-Driven Leadership
- Organizational Culture and Culture Change
Participants will learn how to:
- Better engage your employees
- Foster creativity among individuals and teams
- Identify “givers,” “takers,” and “matchers”
- Lead with purpose
- Create a culture that encourages success
Course Description
Duration: 4-6 weeks
People are the most valuable asset of any business, but they are also the most unpredictable and, often, the most difficult to manage. Talent management is a key strategy to the health and growth of successful organizations. Are your managers getting the training they need to make good management decisions?
In Managing and Motivating Talent, award-winning authors and renowned management professors Michael Useem and Peter Cappelli have designed this course to introduce you to the key elements of managing talent and motivating people.
By the end of this course, you’ll have developed the skills you need to start motivating, organizing, and rewarding people in your organization so that you can thrive as a business and as a social organization. Scaling this important learning throughout the organization provides leadership with a consistent framework for cross-divisional talent management.
Course Modules
- Motivation and Reward
- Tasks, Jobs, and Systems of Work
- Making Good and Timely Management Decisions
- Designing and Changing the Organization’s Architecture
Participants will learn how to:
- Engage and motivate employees
- Better manage employee performance and evaluation
- Create incentive and reward systems
- Design jobs for greater performance and effectiveness
- Create an optimal organizational architecture for your company
Course Description
Duration: 4-6 weeks
Today’s markets are fast-moving, interconnected, and global in a way that is only increasing. Ongoing changes in our world, like the rise of emerging-market multinationals, the aging population, and the reconfiguration of global power relationships, result in new opportunities. How do you take advantage of these opportunities to benefit your business and get out in front of the change?
In Managing the Global Firm, world-renowned professor of management Mauro Guillén will teach you how and when to pursue these opportunities so that you can maximize profits and growth. You’ll be introduced to new decision and business models, products, and services, and learn how to use them within your organization. You’ll explore new international markets and how they evolve, and learn how to create a global structure and strategy to take advantage of these new global markets and envision the multinational firms of the future.
Course Modules
- Global Markets and the Firm
- International Strategies
- Organization and Management of the International Firm
- The Multinational Firm in the 21st Century
Participants will learn how to:
- Define and evaluate international markets
- Understand the evolution of market trends
- Identify the benefits of global strategy for your company
- Quantify market trends on a global scale
Course Description
Duration: 4-6 weeks
In an increasingly competitive global business environment, companies in all industries are striving for an edge and working to differentiate themselves in the marketplace. In a world where “strategy” seems ubiquitous, how do you find your niche to truly differentiate?
Strategic Management is designed to teach you how to evaluate, develop, and execute a successful business strategy that you can implement inside and outside the organization. World-renowned management professors Harbir Singh and Nicolaj Siggelkow introduce tools and frameworks that can be put to immediate use in planning and execution. By the end of this course, you will be able to articulate your strategy, why it works, and how it will help meet your organization’s financial and marketing goals.
Course Modules
- The Firm and the Industry
- Industry Analysis and Competitive Dynamics
- Corporate Strategy and Firm Scope
- Firms in a Context
Participants will learn how to:
- Create a value chain
- Position yourself in the market
- Perform network and industry analyses
- Create strategic leadership and vision
- Optimize outsourcing, acquisitions, and alliances
Want it all? Take the complete program for $3600.
World-Class Wharton Faculty
Wharton’s outstanding faculty have worked for and consulted to large multinationals, health care and biopharma organizations, public and not-for-profit corporation, and small entrepreneurial organizations. Their research has been published in leading management journals, including Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of Industrial Economics, Management Science, Organization Science, and Strategic Organization and featured in outlets like the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, Harvard Business Review, US News & World Report, USA Today, and the Financial Times. They have also authored books on leadership and management, such as The Leader’s Checklist, The India Way, and Why Good People Can’t Get Jobs.
Faculty research interests include:
- Organizational culture and micro-organizational behavior
- Talent and performance management
- Multinational management
- Innovation and technology implementation
- Enterprise risk management
- Corporate governance
Sigal Barsade, PhD
Joseph Frank Bernstein Professor; Professor of Management, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Organizational culture, emotional intelligence, unconscious bias, organizational change, teamwork and leadership
Peter Cappelli, DPhil
George W. Taylor Professor of Management; Director, Center for Human Resources, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Human-resource practices, public policy related to employment, talent and performance management
Adam Grant, PhD
The Saul P. Steinberg Professor of Management; Professor of Management, The Wharton School; Professor of Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
Research Interests:
Work motivation, helping and giving behaviors, job design and meaningful work, leadership
Mauro Guillén, PhD
Dr. Felix Zandman Professor Emeritus of Management
Research Interests:
Globalization, international political economy, multinational management
Katherine Klein, PhD
Edward H. Bowman Professor, Professor of Management; Vice Dean and Director, Wharton Social Impact Initiative, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Innovation and technology implementation, leadership, diversity, teams, and social networks
Nancy Rothbard, PhD
David Pottruck Professor of Management; Deputy Dean, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Emotion and identity, work motivation and engagement, work-life and career development
Nicolaj Siggelkow, PhD
David M. Knott Professor; Professor of Management; Co-Director, Mack Institute for Innovation Management, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Competitive strategy, firms as systems of interconnected choices
Harbir Singh, PhD
Mack Professor; Professor of Management; Co-Director, Mack Institute for Innovation Management; Wharton School Faculty Director for the Huntsman Program in International Studies and Business, The Wharton School
Research Interests:
Corporate governance, corporate restructuring, management buyouts, strategies for corporate acquisitions
Michael Useem, PhD
William and Jacalyn Egan Professor of Management; Professor of Management; Director, Center for Leadership and Change Management; Editor, Wharton Leadership Digest
Research Interests:
Catastrophic and enterprise risk management, corporate change and restructuring, leadership, decision making, governance