Date, Location, & Fees

Flexible Learning Journey


Accelerate your career by mastering multiple in-demand disciplines within the finance industry. This comprehensive, tailored learning journey takes you through six open-enrollment programs — each led by Wharton’s renowned Finance faculty. Upon completion, you will be granted highly sought-after Wharton alumni status.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Complete six open-enrollment Finance programs within two years
  • Executive coaching included
  • Achieve Wharton alumni status


Senior-level executives and high-potential professionals who wish to accelerate their career development in the area of modern finance; 10+ years of professional experience

Academic Director


Date, Location, & Fees

Sep. 16 – 27, 2024
Philadelphia, PA
Feb. 24 – Mar. 7, 2025
Philadelphia, PA


Ascend to greater levels of management by honing your business acumen in multiple core competencies and advance your strategic decision-making capabilities to think faster, smarter, and more creatively. Intensive executive coaching from Wharton’s world-renowned faculty prepares you to lead your organization through the massive disruption happening in industries everywhere.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Put knowledge to the test in a real-world business simulation
  • Two consecutive weeks
  • Executive coaching included


Senior functional, country, or unit managers preparing to take on broader leadership responsibilities beyond their areas of expertise

Academic Director

Patti Williams, PhDIra A. Lipman Associate Professor of Marketing; Vice Dean, Wharton Executive Education

Date, Location, & Fees

Flexible Learning Journey


Invigorate, strengthen, and refine your leadership skills while elevating your management skills. Gain operational insight as you advance your business acumen with a focused curriculum that covers finance, leadership, marketing, and strategy. Accelerate your career while building an invaluable global network. Upon completion, you will be granted highly sought-after Wharton alumni status.

Highlights & Benefits

  • Complete six open-enrollment programs within two years
  • Executive coaching included
  • Achieve Wharton alumni status


Business owners/entrepreneurs and senior business leaders whose professional success will be complemented by focused professional business development; 15+ years of management experience

Academic Director

Jagmohan Raju, PhDJoseph J. Aresty Professor; Executive Director, Wharton Co-Sponsorship of Indian School of Business; Professor of Marketing, The Wharton School

Schedule a personalized consultation to discuss your professional goals:
