Date, Location, & FeesContact us to schedule a personalized consultation: +1.215.898.1776 execed@wharton.upenn.eduSeptember 8 – 12, 2025Philadelphia, PA$12,500 Drag for more Program ExperienceWho Should AttendFaculty Program ExperienceHighlights and Key Outcomes: In Leading Today’s Talent: Management Strategies for an Evolving Workforce, you will learn how to: Create a more structured and effective hiring process Develop a coherent strategy for remote and hybrid work Leverage data to make better people-based decisions Create a strategy for enhancing employee engagement and addressing attrition Discover effective approaches to skill development Build and manage a diverse and inclusive workforce Develop compensation plans that incentivize desired outputs Understand the implications of changing technologies for long-term planning Hone the requisite skills for positive leadership, including communication, emotional intelligence, delegation, and mentorship Experience and Impact This unique program is grounded in cutting-edge research from Wharton faculty who lead the school’s Center for Human Resources and People Analytics Initiative. Through a combination of interactive lectures, small-group discussions, and exercises, you will learn the latest insights and best practices for managing today’s workforce. Each day will begin with a faculty-led integration session that will help you apply classroom learnings to your specific leadership challenges. The day will conclude with a session on the future of work, exploring topics including technology, AI, and the algorithmic manager. Session topics include: Effective Hiring Managing the Remote Workplace Building a Talent Pipeline Coaching and Development Engagement and Retention Achieving and Improving Diversity Designing High-Performing Pay and Incentives Understanding True Performance Leading through your Networks Convince Your Supervisor Here’s a justification letter you can edit and send to your supervisor to help you make the case for attending this Wharton program. Due to our application review period, applications submitted after 12:00 p.m. ET on Friday for programs beginning the following Monday may not be processed in time to grant admission. Applicants will be contacted by a member of our Client Relations Team to discuss options for future programs and dates. Who Should AttendLeading Today’s Talent: Management Strategies for an Evolving Workforce is designed for leaders and managers seeking to improve talent acquisition, development, engagement and culture, and retention. Its results-oriented, hands-on learning experience will prepare you to meet current and future challenges in people management in any industry. Specific roles and functions may include: Successful functional, country, or unit managers preparing to take on broader responsibilities outside their areas of expertise and experience People leaders across all disciplines, including marketing and analytics, research and development, accounting and finance, supply chain and logistics, manufacturing and engineering, human resources, and information technology Executives who build and lead multi-functional teams CEOs and other senior leaders of small and mid-sized companies Fluency in English, written and spoken, is required for participation in Wharton Executive Education programs unless otherwise indicated. Plan Your StayThis program is held at the Steinberg Conference Center located on the University of Pennsylvania campus in Philadelphia. Meals and accommodations are included in the program fees. Learn more about planning your stay at Wharton’s Philadelphia campus. Group EnrollmentTo further leverage the value and impact of this program, we encourage companies to send cross-functional teams of executives to Wharton. We offer group-enrollment benefits to companies sending four or more participants. FacultyMatthew Bidwell, PhDSee Faculty BioAcademic DirectorXingmei Zhang and Yongge Dai Professor; Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Careers, contingent work, firm boundaries, human resource management, knowledge workersIwan Barankay, PhDSee Faculty BioAssociate Professor of Management; Associate Professor of Business Economics and Public Policy, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Political economy, behavioral economics, field experiments, personnel economicsLindsey Cameron, PhDSee Faculty BioAssistant Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolPeter Cappelli, DPhilSee Faculty BioGeorge W. Taylor Professor of Management; Director, Center for Human Resources, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Human-resource practices, public policy related to employment, talent and performance managementAndrew Carton, PhDSee Faculty BioAssociate Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Managing intergroup relations; establishing a sense of purposeMarissa King, PhDSee Faculty BioAlice Y. Hung President’s Distinguished Professor; Professor of Health Care Management; Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolCade Massey, PhDSee Faculty BioPractice Professor, Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: People analytics, judgment under uncertainty, organizational behaviorMary-Hunter McDonnell, JD, PhDSee Faculty BioBantwal Family Goldman Sachs Presidential Associate Professor; Associate Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Organizational theory (political sociology, institutional theory); nonmarket strategy; corporate governance; corporate misconduct and punishmentSamir Nurmohamed, PhDSee Faculty BioAssociate Professor of Management, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Adversity, motivation, behavioral ethics, resilience, storytelling, punishment, whistleblowing, cover-ups, socialization, onboarding, injustice, stereotypes, stigmaPrasanna Tambe, PhDSee Faculty BioAssociate Professor of Operations, Information and Decisions, The Wharton SchoolResearch Interests: Economics of IT labor, technological change, and labor markets Date, Location, & FeesContact us to schedule a personalized consultation: +1.215.898.1776 execed@wharton.upenn.eduSeptember 8 – 12, 2025Philadelphia, PA$12,500 Download the program brochure, including session details and format. Download BrochureApply Now Hotel InformationFees for on-campus programs include accommodations and meals. Prices are subject to change. Read COVID-19 Safety Policy » International Travel Information »Plan Your Stay » Related ProgramsHigh-Potential Leaders: Accelerating Your ImpactLeading Organizational Change Contact UsSchedule a personalized consultation to discuss your professional goals: +1.215.898.1776